FAQ's - Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy

Shipping Protection


*Claims for packages marked and delivered and; yet not received and where there is no evidence of

“porch piracy” must be made 5 days after “delivery date” but no longer than 15 days to ensure

it was not misdelivered or easily found around the premises and; Claims for packages presumed to

be lost (where the status is not and delivered and) must be filed after 7 days (20 days for international)

and within 30 days from the last checkpoint. 


Delivery Policy

You must be at least 21 years old to submit orders for purchase through

Undercurrentcollective.com. By placing your order, you have represented to Undercurrent

Collective that you are at least 21 years old. All deliveries must be received by an adult of legal

drinking age and this person must have photo identification present if asked for proof of age.


We're sorry, but products cannot be shipped to PO Boxes, APO/FPO addresses, or

internationally. Shipping charges are, unfortunately, not refundable. If a product arrives

damaged, we want to know. Please reach out.



Your items will be delivered in a plain box with product branding on the exterior.


Return Policy

We want you to be happy. If you experience a problem with a delivery or a product, please let us

know within 7 days of receipt. If possible, please include; recipient's name, order number, brief

explanation, and a photo of damages, if applicable.


Unfortunately, we can’t accept returns on products that you simply change your mind about. But

we’d love to hear from you personally if this is the case, so that we can recommend

something more to your taste. Email us at biz@undercurrentcollective.com

Information About Us

In the present policies, “We” or “us” means Bro Weekend Collective, LLC dba Undercurrent

Collective, incorporated in Delaware. Our registered office and principal place of business is

located at 26 K St. NE Unit 3134, Washington, DC. 20002.

Retention Period

We will keep and process your personal data only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for

which it was collected in connection with your relationship with us, unless we have a legal right

or obligation to retain the data for a longer period, or the data is necessary for the establishment,

exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

If We decide to change the Privacy Policy, We will post those changes on this page. We reserve

the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. If We make material changes to this Privacy

Policy, We will notify you here, by email, or a notice on our homepage.

Legal Disclaimer

We reserve the right to disclose your personal identifying information as required by law and

when We believe that disclosure is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, court order,

or legal process, to operate the Site properly, or to protect ourselves or our users. 

Posting Information to the Site

You are solely responsible for any information and other content you post on or through the Site.

You understand that anything you post on or through the Site is generally accessible to and may

be collected and used by others and may result in unsolicited messages or other contact from

others. Users of any available forums are encouraged to exercise caution when

providing information about themselves.


You agree to defend and indemnify the Company and any of its affiliates (if applicable) and hold

us harmless against any and all legal claims and demands, including reasonable attorney's fees,

which may arise from or relate to your use or misuse of the Website, your breach of this

Agreement, or your conduct or actions. You agree that the Company shall be able to select its

own legal counsel and may participate in its own defense, if the Company wishes.

Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the Parties with respect to any and

all use of this Website. This Agreement supersedes and replaces all prior or contemporaneous

agreements or understandings, written or oral, regarding the use of this Website.

Term, Termination and; Suspension.

The Company may terminate this Agreement with you at any time for any reason, with or

without cause. The Company specifically reserves the right to terminate this Agreement if you

violate any of the terms outlined herein, including, but not limited to, violating the intellectual

property rights of the Company or a third party, failing to comply with applicable laws or other

legal obligations, and/or publishing or distributing illegal material. If you have registered for an

account with us, you may also terminate this Agreement at any time by contacting us and

requesting termination. At the termination of this Agreement, any provisions that would be

expected to survive termination by their nature shall remain in full force and effect.


You do hereby acknowledge and agree that your use of the website is at your sole risk. To the

fullest extent permitted by law, the company and its related parties disclaim all express and

implied warranties, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title,

compatibility, security, accuracy, noninfringement, and usefulness, with respect to any service,

the website, any website content, or any information contained on the website (collectively,

“works”). The works are provided “as is” and “as available.” You rely on the works solely at

your own risk. We do not represent or warrant that any works will be uninterrupted or error-free.

There could be delays, omissions, interruptions, or inaccuracies in the information or other

materials that are available on or through the works. You assume full responsibility and risk of

loss, including loss of data, resulting from your downloading or use of the works. Although we

may take reasonable steps to prevent the introduction of viruses and other destructive materials

to or through the works, we do not guarantee, represent, or warrant that the works or materials

that may be downloaded from the works are free of such destructive features. We are not liable

for any damages or harm attributable to any of the foregoing.

Limitation on Liability.

You do hereby acknowledge and agree that the company and its related parties are not liable for

any injury, liability, claim, loss, damage, expense, cost (including attorneys fees incurred at trial,

on appeal, or otherwise), debt, fine, charge, or lien, whether direct or indirect, including

consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, punitive, lost profits, or otherwise, that arises out

of or relates to (a) this agreement, (b) your use or inability to access the website, (c) inability to

use the service, (d) any unauthorized access or alteration of your transmission or data. You do

hereby waive any and all claims with respect to the foregoing, whether based in breach of

contract, breach of warranty, tort (including negligence), statutory, or other grounds, even if we

have been advised of the possibility of such damages. Our total liability for any and all contract,

warranty, tort (including negligence), statutory, or other claims arising out of or relating to (i)

this agreement, (ii) your use of the website, or (iii) inability to use the service (iv) any

unauthorized access or alteration of your transmission or data is limited to the sum of $10. Some

jurisdictions do not allow for limited liability or exclusion of implied warranties; and, if any of

those laws apply to you, then some or all of the above disclaimers, exclusions, or limitations

might not apply to you, and you might have additional rights.

General Provisions:

a) LANGUAGE: All communications made or notices given pursuant to this Agreement shall be

in the English language.

b) JURISDICTION, VENUE and; CHOICE OF LAW: Through your use of the Website, you agree

that the laws of the State of New York shall govern any matter or dispute relating to or arising

out of this Agreement, as well as any dispute of any kind that may arise between you and the

Company, with the exception of its conflict of law provisions. In case any litigation specifically

permitted under this Agreement is initiated, the Parties agree to submit to the personal

jurisdiction of the state and federal courts in New York, NY. The Parties agree that this choice of

law, venue, and jurisdiction provision is not permissive, but rather mandatory in nature. You

hereby waive the right to any objection of venue, including assertion of the doctrine of forum

non convenience or similar doctrine.

c) ARBITRATION: In case of a dispute between the Parties relating to or arising out of this

Agreement, the Parties shall first attempt to resolve the dispute personally and in good faith. If

these personal resolution attempts fail, the Parties shall then submit the dispute to binding

arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted by a single arbitrator, and such arbitrator shall

have no authority to add Parties, vary the provisions of this Agreement, award punitive damages,

or certify a class. The arbitrator shall be bound by applicable and governing Federal law as well

as the law of the state of New York. Each Party shall pay their own costs and fees. Claims

necessitating arbitration under this section include, but are not limited to: contract claims, tort

claims, claims based on Federal and state law, and claims based on local laws, ordinances,

statutes or regulations. 

d) ASSIGNMENT: This Agreement, or the rights granted hereunder, may not be assigned, sold,

leased or otherwise transferred in whole or part by you. Should this Agreement, or the rights

granted hereunder, be assigned, sold, leased or otherwise transferred by the Company, the rights

and liabilities of the Company will bind and inure to any assignees, administrators, successors,

and executors.

e) SEVERABILITY: If any part or sub-part of this Agreement is held invalid or unenforceable

by a court of law or competent arbitrator, the remaining parts and sub-parts will be enforced to

the maximum extent possible. In such condition, the remainder of this Agreement shall continue

in full force.

f) NO WAIVER: In the event that we fail to enforce any provision of this Agreement, this shall

not constitute a waiver of any future enforcement of that provision or of any other provision.

Waiver of any part or sub-part of this Agreement will not constitute a waiver of any other part or


g) HEADINGS FOR CONVENIENCE ONLY: Headings of parts and sub-parts under this

Agreement are for convenience and organization, only. Headings shall not affect the meaning of

any provisions of this Agreement.

h) NO AGENCY, PARTNERSHIP OR JOINT VENTURE: No agency, partnership, or joint

venture has been created between the Parties as a result of this Agreement. No Party has any

authority to bind the other to third parties.

i) FORCE MAJEURE: The Company is not liable for any failure to perform due to causes

beyond its reasonable control including, but not limited to, acts of God, acts of civil authorities,

pandemic, acts of military authorities, riots, embargoes, acts of nature and natural disasters, and

other acts which may be due to unforeseen circumstances.

j) ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PERMITTED: We will communicate with you by

email or by posting notices on the Website. You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures,

and other communications that we provide to you electronically or post on the Website satisfy

any legal requirement, if any, that such communications be in writing.


By using our Site, you consent to our Terms of Service.

Questions? Please Contact Us:

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, Privacy Policy or anything else, please 

Contact Us:

If you have any questions about these Terms of Service, Privacy Policy or anything else, please

contact us at biz@undercurrentcollective.com